Monday, April 1, 2013

Dear PLR, My Sweet Baby #2

Dear Baby PLR, I am sitting here thinking of my blessings in life and how you are one of them. I can't believe it-I don't think I can fully understand it or else I would implode. Okay, Mommy is going off and you as a baby would not really understand this, but I guess this would be a great reminder of my love for you when you are older. A reminder for when you are off in your teens, or off to college--you will not be away from my love. You should know that your dad and I are so in love. We are grateful that God would enrich our lives, our marriage, to have you and Adelle. You will be here in about 8 weeks. You are such a treasure and we look forward to taking you out and about with your big sister. You might like to know that Mommy has gained a little bit too much weight in two weeks, so we're trying to be a little healthier. Your Cambodian Grandma, yey, is really big on eating healthy and gaining healthy too. You got to eat lots of fast food, because Mommy craved McDonald or burgers. You seem to really like beef and pork--I hope you are chicken fan. You like to move a lot, just like your big sister; you move around near my ribs when I lay down at night but you are nice about getting comfortable. I felt your foot or hand one day-it was crazy, I pressed on the little bulge on my belly and you pressed back! Sweet girl, you like all of God's creations, are fearfully and wonderfully made. Already I pray for you. Already I dream and think of you and love you so dearly. I get to meet you soon. I will write again and share of your time in the womb before you are Daddy's and Mommy's arms.

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