Saturday, April 30, 2011

Letter to Baby at 25 Weeks

Dear Baby A,
I wanted to tell you how much I love you. Both your dad and I love you so much. One source says you are figuring out equilibrium. You seem to like being on my right side and I can feel you. I am amazed at how God designed you and I. I know you but not the way our heavenly Father knows you. He knows what your fingerprints look like, the number of hairs on your head, when you smile and when you grimace. He knows why you kick and why you roll. I just wanted to say "Happy 25 Weeks." I tear up so much at baby stories and children stuff--I can't wait to meet you. :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Letter to Baby at 24 Weeks

Dear Baby,
We went to two classes today. One was at Lifelight where we watched about the life of a newborn and the next was a childbirth preparation class. You are kicking me now as I am writing you this letter. I enjoyed preparing for labor by learning relaxation techniques and preparing for relaxing through labor. I can't wait to talk with your daddy about the things we look forward to the most as we're preparing those last few hours to bring you into the world. We know you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God has you in the palm of His hands.
--Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Remembering To Live One Day At A Time

On our drive home tonight I was reminded to live one day at a time. The reason being is baby is coming August, but I don't think I should spend so much time thinking of the future when we're in the month of April. I don't want to forget what happened in April, May, June or July just because I was so anxious for baby to be here. I am allowing myself to spend some time planning. I am good with some planning but not an obsession over the future. Things I look forward to in each month are the following:
APRIL: walks on Fridays when the weather is nice with my friend, Sarah. Playing with the kids at school and at church. Taking parenting classes and childbirth prep classes.
MAY: Matt and Rachel's wedding, camping, and making it to 3rd trimester.
JUNE: end of the school year, baby showers, swimming and embracing the welcome of summer.
JULY: 4th of July, swimming, lake days, travels, rest.
AUGUST: baby time!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ten Things I Will Do With My Baby

I look forward to so much joy and adventures with my little girl. I look forward to capturing the moments and cherishing the memories. I look forward to the blessings, the laughter, the tears, and all the glory to our Heavenly Father. In our lives, may He be glorified and may we love because He first loved us. :)

As I am sitting here resting, I think of the things I look forward to the most on a cool, cloudy day or warm, sunny day:
1) picnics by the lake
2) walks at the McConnell
3) Watching Tom and Jerry
4) Lunch dates with mommy and daddy
5) Flying kites
6) Dancing with baby
7) Swimming
8) Napping under the sun (with some shade to prevent burns and too much exposure to UV rays)
9) Singing, dancing, clapping, and being silly
10) Hikes to Burney or Whiskeytown Falls